Toddler Childcare

For Children 18-36 Months

Childcare in a beautiful, home-like environment informed by the gentle, Waldorf approach to child development. 

Experienced and capable teachers will foster early learning, empathy, a sense of warmth and community, and the joy and wonder of childhood.

Our Philosophy

Waldorf education recognizes the child as someone with a unique, innate, inner core of identity. The unique individual is seen as someone who is developing step-by-step, and our program addresses their developmental, as well as individual needs in a variety of ways: through the curriculum and environment, and through meaningful work and play.

Daily Rhythm

Our daily rhythm includes a mix of structured and free-play activities, intentionally staggered throughout the day to create a healthy mood of in-breath and out-breath. Children experience community life during meals and a daily social gathering time for verses, songs, finger plays and stories. Imaginative play is at the heart of the learning experience; children engage with natural materials to go as far as their imaginations will take them.

Time in Nature

We incorporate a robust outdoor experience into our day: rain, shine or snow. Creative play outdoors strengthens the social skills of conflict resolution and builds capacities for problem solving and ingenuity. The foundation for physical development and health – coordination, strength, foresight and appropriate judgment – all unfold easily and successfully outdoors. 

Healthy Bodies

Our program includes a fully catered, organic, Nourishing Traditions method food program. All meals will feature whole-foods, which are properly prepared, seasonal, and promote healthy eating habits and strong digestion, especially geared towards the young child. Please inquire within about allergies and special dietary requirements.

More Than Childcare: It's a Relationship

The teacher strives to bring respect for the dignity of this journey of the child and his or her family.  Each developmental stage is recognized, honored, and addressed through our curriculum and environment. Waldorf education not only recognizes that children learn best through imitation – especially of the adults around them – in the early childhood years, but puts this into daily practice.

A Typical Day

Sample Weekly Meal Schedule

Sample Daily Schedule


Morning Snack


Monday Sunflower seeds, raisins and cheese Sprouted navy bean stew served with brown rice, provolone, and sauerkraut
Tuesday Rice crackers and cheese Rosemary sourdough pita, hummus, and roasted vegetables served with cucumber salad and marinated feta salad
Wednesday Apples and almond butter Tortillas with smashed sprouted black beans and garnet yams served with corn salsa and Cotija cheese
Thursday Hummus and carrots Pasta with roasted vegetable tomato basil sauce served with Parmesan
Friday Fruit wedges and cheese Sprouted lentil and vegetable soup served with sourdough bread and butter
8:00 – 9:30 am Arrival / Creative play indoors
9:30 – 9:45 am Circle time
9:45 – 10:15 am Morning snack
10:15 – 11:30 am Creative play outdoors
11:30 – 12:30 am Transition, Lunch, Clean-Up
12:30 – 2:45 pm Rest
2:45 – 3:00 pm Transition, Goodbyes for 3pm children
3:00 – 3:30 pm Creative Play Indoors/Outdoors
3:30 – 4:00 pm Afternoon Snack
4:00 – 5:30 pm Afternoon care – Activities vary; Goodbyes
* Indoor Play includes free-play activities (blocks, dolls, silks, fort-building, dress-up) & a teacher led activity option (oat grinding, seasonal craft, food prep, polishing, etc…)

*Vegetarian, Gluten Free, and Dairy Free options are available at all meals

Meet the Toddler Program Teachers

Jessica Crawford

Lynn Beuning

Lead Toddler Teacher

Lynn has worked with young children since 2004 in a variety of preschool and daycare centers. Most recently, Lynn served as the Lead Toddler Teacher at Children’s Workshop Montessori. Though Montessori trained, Lynn also has experience in working in a Waldorf setting and is thrilled to have the opportunity to combine her love of toddlers with the Waldorf approach to child development. When not working with children, Lynn can be found tending community gardens or working with the elderly in a retirement home. 

Assistant 1

Assistant 2