
By second grade, students have developed a depth of imagination, interest and focus strongly attuned to learning.  They become more aware of their experiences in the larger world and the values and perspectives of others. This sense of community deepens as they extend the security of “family” to classmates and teachers.

As students become more aware of the social fabric of the world, both in and out of the classroom, stories are selected to support healthy moral and social development, while building confidence in academic skills like reading and math. Stories of humans who live exemplary lives with a heart of devotion, generosity, courage, and love, evoke a sense of wonder and awe.  Through fables from many cultures, the other sides of human nature is explored; in the guise of animals or humorous figures, human failings and foibles are presented with character lessons. These pictures of human nature act as a subtle guide for social development. Second graders continue to sing, play flutes, create form drawings, learn Spanish, participate in generous outdoor time and knit.

  • Language Arts: Sentence construction, consonant blends and word families, speech, drama and cursive writing
  • Literature: Fables and global legends of wise beings
  • Mathematics: The four processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, place value and Roman numerals
  • Science: Nature study
  • Spanish: Phrases and commands, numbers 1-100, tongue twisters, fables, clapping games, math problems and songs
  • Physical Education: Basic tumbling, jump rope, parachute play, bean bag games, role playing, clapping and chasing games
  • Handwork: Advanced knitting
  • Art: Watercolor painting, beeswax and clay modeling, crayon drawing
  • Music: Pentatonic flute, African drumming and singing

Daniel Abdon

Daniel Abdon has extensive experience teaching children of all ages as a Waldorf class teacher and as an early childhood music educator at McPhail Center for Music for almost twenty years. As a Waldorf class teacher, Daniel taught for nine years at Spring Hill School and at Minnesota Waldorf School. Mr. Abdon is known to many as an accomplished musician and piano teacher, and he also sings in a vocal ensemble that performs internationally, called S.T.A.R.S. (Singers Taking Action Regarding Souls).